Special diets routines
Routines when ordering special diets
The guardian or applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is completed correctly before each term start and when there are changes or terminations.
In the event of illness or absence for primary- and secondary school students, NOT preschoolers, Centralköket must be notified at 8 am the same morning, by telephone, 0223- 445 53. Notify Centralköket upon return.
Special diet due to medical condition
Special diets are served to people with food allergies, intolerance or illness that require special diets. Special food is not served in cases where you do not like certain dishes. Vegetables/salads, bread, shortening, milk and water are always served. Nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds and almonds are never present in the food and must not be brought to school/preschool.
In the event of changes, a new special cost application with a certificate must be submitted. When changing a preschool/school within the municipality, only the application for a special diet is required, no new dietary certificate is needed. It is important that you inform us if the need for a special diet is no longer required.
This is done by e-service Application / change / cancellation of special diet.
Temporarily adapted diet
A customized diet can be offered for special needs. Fill in the application and attach the dietary certificate, thereafter Kostservice will contact you. The adaptation is valid for a specific time, as this diet does not meet the requirements of the school law for a full meal.
Vegetarian food and food without pork
If a without pork or vegetarian food is needed, no dietary certificate is required, only the application for a special diet. If vegan food is desired, please contact Kostservice for a dialogue with the guardian, as this diet does not meet the school's requirements for a full meal.
* Dietary certificates can be journal transcripts, medical certificates or a dietician's certificate confirming the need for a special diet.
Fagersta municipality processes your personal information in order to be able to administer the application for a special diet and ensure that the right diet is served. We process your personal data with the support of the Data Protection Regulation.
Personal data is collected from the Swedish Tax Agency in connection with the application. The personal data that we process are first name, surname/family name, school/preschool, class/ department, telephone number and prevailing dietary deviations. In case you make an application as guardian or other deputy, their/their first name, surname/family name, social security number, e-mail address and telephone number are also obtained. The personal data will not be transferred to third countries. The data is protected by authentication and encryption.
Your personal data is kept for one year. Swedish regulations on public documents apply so that your data can be preserved for all future in accordance with the Freedom of the Press Act (Tryckfrihetsförordningen), Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen) and the Archives Act (Arkivlagen). If you believe that we have processed your personal information incorrectly, you can request correction from the municipality.